09 May 2018

Synlait Milk (NZX: SML; ASX: SM1) supports the New Zealand Government’s terms of reference for the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act 2001 (DIRA) review, announced today by Minister of Agriculture Damien O’Connor.
“We are glad to see a comprehensive scope in the terms of reference and are pleased it will look beyond the current regulatory framework to address some of the fundamental issues facing the future of our industry,” says John Penno, CEO and Managing Director.
“We look forward to contributing to the DIRA review process. We can provide a unique perspective as a successful value-add nutrition company in the industry,” says Mr Penno.
“At the end of the day, we want any outcomes to support a sustainable and high value industry in New Zealand.
We’re confident this will allow the industry to continue to flourish while delivering a sustainable future for dairying,” says Mr Penno.
For more information contact:
Dan Walraven
Communications Manager, Synlait Milk
P: +64 27 836 7532
E: daniel.walraven@synlait.com