19 November 2019
Sustainability at Synlait FY19 report released

Synlait today released an update on its sustainability strategy in a report titled: Sustainability at Synlait.
Synlait’s Director of Sustainability and Brand Hamish Reid commented, “In June 2018, we announced our refreshed commitment to sustainability. This report represents our first step in sharing our plans and progress as we work to implement our environmental and social strategies throughout our value chain.”
“At the time of setting these targets, we were still developing our sustainability strategy, but we knew that setting the bar high would unleash creativity and urgency amongst our people, and that is exactly what has played out. We’re excited to share this progress with shareholders and stakeholders today.”
“Synlait is in an ideal position to shape the change needed in our industry – we collect 4 percent of New Zealand’s milk so we’re agile and young but big enough to influence. We have a long way to go to reach our 2028 targets, but we’re off to a great start.”