06 June 2023
Executive Leadership Team changes
Synlait Milk Limited (Synlait) announces changes to its Executive Leadership Team (ELT), effective
Monday 19 June 2023.
Paul Mallard, Director of Strategy, Innovation & Corporate Affairs, has been appointed to a new role of
Chief Operating Officer with oversight of the Supply Chain, Planning, Innovation, Integrated Business
Planning, Strategy and Corporate Affairs Teams. The Supply Chain and Planning functions previously
reported to the Director of Operations.
The Director of Operations role will become the Director of Manufacturing role, currently held by
Glenn Laing in an acting capacity. The Manufacturing Team will include Manufacturing, Technical and
Process Improvement, Integrated Work Systems, and Assets Engineering.
The structure changes will ensure a better fit with Synlait’s strategy and deliver a greater level of
execution and performance.
For more information contact:
Hannah Lynch
Head of Strategy & Corporate Affairs
P: +64 21 252 8990
E: hannah.lynch@synlait.com