26 February 2024
Bright Dairy Director appointed

Tao Zhang, the Deputy Finance Director of Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd (Bright Dairy), has been elected as one of the Bright Dairy Appointed Director’s on the Synlait Milk Limited (Synlait) Board.
Tao replaces Liu Ruibing (Ryan), who resigned as CFO of Bright Dairy Holding Limited (Bright Dairy) for personal reasons, and subsequently stood down as a Bright Dairy appointed Director of Synlait Milk Limited earlier this month.
Tao’s appointment is effectively immediately.
Bright Dairy has a 39.0% shareholding in Synlait.
About Tao
Tao Zhang is a Chinese Certified Public Accountant and an Australian Certified Public Accountant. Before joining Bright Dairy, Tao has held various leadership finance roles at several companies, including the Manager of Shanghai Donghua Accounting Firm, the General Manager of Financial Department of Pengxin International Mining, the Financial Director of Shanghai Pengpo New Energy Development, and the Financial Director of InterChina Water Treatment.
For more information contact:
Allan Swann
Corporate Communications Manager
P: +64 21 252 8990
E: allan.swann@synlait.com
Hannah Lynch
Head of Strategy & Corporate Affairs
P: +64 21 252 8990
E: hannah.lynch@synlait.com